Hi, I’m Susan and I’ve been involved in amateur dramatics for over a decade, being nominated for several regional NODA awards. Being involved in theatre is one of the best things you can do for your health and wellbeing and I believe it is for everyone. Setting up Bispham CastAways has been a labour of love since July 2018. Being a new group, we have been able to decide how we want the organisation to work and what our beliefs and aims are. Our tag line “Community Theatre Group” sums up our ideals, we want as many people in the community to take part in the arts, which has already led us to work with the Blackpool children’s charity – Aspired Futures, and have formed our plans for a Mental Health One Act Play Festival in 2020. We would love to meet you, whether you’ve been involved with theatre before or not, so please use the contact page to get in touch.